Think Globally, Meet Locally

It’s been a busy week in the Boston area for me, with lots of “meat space” (not my favorite description, as a vegan) or “real world” (not my favorite description as a net citizen) meetings to go with various online groups.

Tuesday night Mike Krigsman ( organized a “tweetup” at the Boston Beer Works in the Fenway. I won’t try to list all the attendees, but a few notes on folks I talked to:

I also met Dan Bricklin, which is really a brush with greatness. (No offense to my fellow tweetup attendees, but dude basically invented the spreadsheet).

Not bad for a tweetup on Super Tuesday (also Mardi Gras, aka Fat Tuesday), in not so great Boston weather. Apologies in advance if I left anyone out – I did have to run out early to catch a train.

Last night (wednesday) was the February BostonPHP meeting, on “Choosing a FOSS License for your project.”

Karen Copenhaver and Ira Heffan presented, but it was less about formal presentation and was really a conversation with the whole group – we talked about different classes of licenses and degrees of reciprocity they encourage/require, GPLv3 versus Affero GPLv3, CPAL, etc. The audio was recorded and will probably turn up as a podcast shortly.

After the meeting Mark Withington, Ira Heffan, Greg Rundlett and I went out for drinks and talked about life, the universe, and everything. ;)

Tonight, I’m headed to the North Shore Web Geek Meetup in Newburyport – although this means missing out on Silona’s presentation to the Berkman Thursday Blog Group.

Sheesh. So much to do, so little time. Good to see a vibrant local community.


  1. Actually, I don’t live in Boston YET. I live in Evanston and am “commuting” to Boston every other week until we find a house. Soon!

    And nice meeting you, John.

  2. Thanks Jack – my mistake. Guess my commute from Newburyport to Boston doesn’t seem so bad for someone coming from Evanston!

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