Is there a single WordPress community, or a single Drupal community?
(Photo credit: Schipulcon 2011 Day 2 Photos under CC Attribution Share-Alike license) Two recent posts got me thinking about the Drupal community and the WordPr...
(Photo credit: Schipulcon 2011 Day 2 Photos under CC Attribution Share-Alike license) Two recent posts got me thinking about the Drupal community and the WordPr...
Some of the most interesting innovations in eCommerce are based on simple changes to the context of the customer-store interaction. Private Event Retail, for ex...
In a previous post (Metaphors That Mislead Us: User, Audience, Visitor, Shopper?), I discussed the way in which the terms we use to describe the people who inte...
The metaphors we use to describe digital technology end up misleading us. We attempt to understand new technologies by bringing the context of previous experien...
I’m a big fan of Criggo, a blog that runs bad headlines, editor’s mistakes, and other humorous ephemera from newspapers. Today I found this entry fr...