Ajax World Conference and Expo
Theme: Rich Internet Applications
Begins: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 at 8:00 AM
Ends: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 at 5:00 PM
Roosevelt Hotel
New York, NY 10017
Registration fee: $1695
Last date for registration: Wed, 21 Mar 2007
Last date for paper submission: Mon, 19 Mar 2007
Speaker: John Eckman
Link: AjaxWorld Expo
Experience AJAX, RIA, and Web 2.0 Knowledge and Best Practices at AJAXWorld Conference and Expo 2007
In March 19-21, 2007 over 1,000 developers, architects, IT managers, and software professionals of every stripe will be converging in New York City to attend the East coast AJAXWorld Conference & Expo — the most comprehensive meeting on the most significant technology subjects of recent times: AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web 2.0.
Delegates will hear first-hand from the creators, innovators, leaders and early adopters of AJAX, and a slew of leading vendors will provide sneak-peeks of the very latest frameworks, tools, products and applications during the conference, which will have over 100 sessions and presentations given by 125 different speakers – the largest AJAX-focused speaker faculty ever assembled in one place at one time.
Conference & Expo 2007 East will be jump-started with a full one-day “AJAX University Boot Camp,” personally led by Web 2.0 and AJAX guru Dion Hinchcliffe, followed by the Main Conference and Expo over the following 2 days.
Topics include:
- Enterprise AJAX | Mobile AJAX | AJAX with Java
- Toolkits/Frameworks: TIBCO GI | JackBe | Spry |
- Client-Side: ( Dojo | Script.aculo.us | Prototype | Open Rico | Yahoo! UI Toolkit | Google Web Toolkit )
- Server-Side: ( DWR | JSON-RPC | SAJAX | Ruby on Rails | Backbase | ThinWire )
- Extending AJAX (Flash | Flex | Laszlo | Atlas | XUL)
- Real-World AJAX and Web 2.0: Case Studies
- Lesser AJAX, Greater AJAX
- Microsoft Atlas for ASP.NET
- AJAX, Web Services and SOAs
- Security in the AJAX/Web 2.0 Era
- How Java, AJAX, and Web 2.0 Work Together
- AJAX Offline (LAJAX)
- The Present and Future of JavaScript
- The State of the DOM
- Integrating CSS Into AJAX/Web 2.0 Apps
- Comprehensive XMLHttpRequestObject
- A Venture Capitalist View of Web 2.0
- AJAX and Comet
- AJAX and the Browser
- Mashing AJAX