What the Drupal Community Can Learn From WordPress: Philosophy Driven Development
(Image courtesy of Maura Teal) I’ve written now a couple of times about what I think the WordPress community can learn from Drupal, and specifically Dries...
(Image courtesy of Maura Teal) I’ve written now a couple of times about what I think the WordPress community can learn from Drupal, and specifically Dries...
Last year I wrote a post about what the WordPress community could learn from the State of Drupal, Dries’ annual address at DrupalCon (aka the Driesnote, c...
(Photo credit: Schipulcon 2011 Day 2 Photos under CC Attribution Share-Alike license) Two recent posts got me thinking about the Drupal community and the WordPr...
Excited to head to the UK later this week for WordCamp London. There’s a contributor day on Friday March 19th, plus two full days of sessions on the...
(Via WP Tavern) Folks interested in WordPress and Open Source licensing should really start following WP and Legal Stuff, a new blog from Richard Best, a ̶...