Ignite Boston

No, I’m not suggesting any revolutionary activity in Beantown – so if you’re NSA, you can stop reading now. Ignite Boston is an O’Reilly...

How the OLPC was Built

By relying on open source, of course. This April 26th, Jim Getty’s will be speaking (at MIT) on “How We Built the OLPC (the $100 laptop for 3rd worl...

BarCamp Boston 2 Videos

Philippe Lejeune has posted a great video collage of Boston BarCamp 2 from last weekend. Although I had planned to attend, I ended up not being able to make it ...

Beyond Broadcast Panels

The last two sessions I was able to see at Beyond Broadcast (I had to leave at midday) were panels. The first was on “Participatory Culture,” modera...