Is there a single WordPress community, or a single Drupal community?
(Photo credit: Schipulcon 2011 Day 2 Photos under CC Attribution Share-Alike license) Two recent posts got me thinking about the Drupal community and the WordPr...
(Photo credit: Schipulcon 2011 Day 2 Photos under CC Attribution Share-Alike license) Two recent posts got me thinking about the Drupal community and the WordPr...
Laura Fitton of Pistachio Consulting (and @pistachio on twitter) has published a report covering 19 “Enterprise Microsharing” applications, includin...
I’m in San Diego this week for the Enterprise3 conference, which the organizers describe thusly: Enterprise3 consists of three separate, but related, comp...
I don’t normally cross-promote heavily across the multiple places I blog, but this one seemed worthwhile. From my blog at “Enterprise 2...