If you’ve tried to visit this blog in the last few weeks, sorry.
My hosting provider underwent a series of upgrades somewhere back around May 26th, and ever since then you’ve had about a 50/50 chance of getting either no response at all or a “database connection error” page. Things seem (knocking wood) relatively stable now, so I’m hoping all the demons have been exorcised and the host will find solid ground – if not, I’m going to have to shop for a new host (again).
This coincided (luckily or unluckily, depending on your point of view) with two weeks vacation in England (London, the Costwolds) and Ireland (Dublin, counties Kerry and Cork), so for the first half of the “troubles” I was blissfully unaware. (That’s right, I spent 12 days with no internet access – didn’t even bring my laptop, and turned off the data connection on my phone.)
I’ll be blogging some more about the trip itself (and vegan eats we had along the way) over on Goatless, but I’ve also got a backlog of stuff to talk about here – so stay tuned, and sorry for the interruption(s).