BrightKite, FireEagle, and Airports

I use BrightKite to update my location via SMS, and it feeds FireEagle, which in turn posts to my lifestream via Movable Type and the Action Streams Plugin. If any of that made sense, keep reading. ;)

The problem is that when I send brightkite a message like: @bos

It sometimes knows that is Logan Airport in Boston, and sometimes just knows that as BOS, United States, which results in updates like this:


Anyone know why this is happening? Brightkite’s fault? Fire Eagle’s fault? Neither?

Update: Should perhaps have checked first. Brightkite seems to be working on this issue, at least according to this post on GetSatisfaction. Seems like they recognize some airport shortcodes but may not always have the full name associated with it and what city/state they are in.

Since my FireEagle feed only updates with city level info, you can’t see that it is an airport.

Hopefully this will mean fewer “United States” updates in my feed over time.