While I’m still in recovery mode from DrupalCon and SXSWi, I wanted to mention two upcoming conferences I’m looking forward to: ROFLCon and WebContent 2008.
If, like me, the LOLWUT? panel was one of your favorites at SXSW, or ICanHasCheezburger is one of your favorite sites, you should not miss ROFLCon.
Coming to MIT April 25th-26th (that’s a Friday and a Caturday), ROFLCon is:
. . . a group dissection of internet culture. What makes it work, why it works, how it works. We’ll talk about where internet culture has been and where we think it’s going.
Then, there’ll be parties. A music show, with memes performing their work live. And then a big blowout party at the end, with everyone dancing and rocking out.
Check out the schedule and register before it sells out.
I’ll also be speaking at WebContent 2008. WebContent is a conference that:
brings together nationally recognized technology, content, and marketing authorities involved with creating, organizing, maintaining, and delivering web content. Presenters will share best practices, new approaches, lessons learned, and provide real-world examples.
My talk is called “Upload, Tag, Share, Discuss: Content Management in the Age of User Participation” and will be June 18th, 2:30-3:30pm.