Western Mass DrupalCamp

With the arrival of the new year, it’s time again for DrupalCamp Western MA.


This year it will be held January 19th, with (I believe – doesn’t say on the site anymore) the 26th as a potential if it gets snowed out.

Keynote will be Jason Pamental (@jpamental) which should be by itself worth the trip.

Additional sessions (proposed) I’m interested in:

  • Jason Yarrington from Digital Bungalow on “Content Personalization Options in Drupal”
  • A case study on JackDaniels.com
  • Drupal for Agile Development (the folks from Gravity Switch)
  • Technical Project Management Methods for Team Development (Chris Armato from Knectar
  • Panels: Responsive Theming and Flexible Code

You can register, see sessions proposed, or propose a session – though the advertised deadline was December 16th, 2012.