WordPress Facebook Plugin wpbook 0.7 available

(Update 5/17 – 0.7.1 is now available – bug fix release).

I’ve spent some time over the past few nights revising the wp-book plugin, which lets you bring your WordPress (self-hosted) blog into Facebook as an application, and I’ve published a new 0.7 version.

You still have to add the Facebook developer application, accept their terms of service, and get an API key to be able to deploy your blog-inside-facebok, but the plugin no longer requires creation of an extra page nor editing of your existing themes.

Instead, inspired by Alex King’s excellent “wordpress mobile” plugin, wpbook now asks you to install an additional theme, wp-facebook, into your theme directory, and then uses that theme when it senses it has been called from inside facebook.

This means you not only get a few recent posts, but in theory all your posts, available inside Facebok. Once I know this release is stable, I should be able to start rolling out additional features like archive links for years, months, categories, etc.

As before, you can see it action with this blog’s content on facebook: Open Parenthesis.

You can download it from here, it should also get populated into the WordPress plugin directory soon.

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